Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2012

imagination goes wild.

lately i have come to one point of view where i found the book version is way much better than the movie version.
and this statement is valid to every books.
i suggest you all to read the book version first before you watch the movie version. because you can spend your time wondering and imagining about the characters, and just let your imagination works. i just read a book called, THE HUNGER GAMES by Suzanne Collins.
The Hunger Games is the first novel from The Hunger Games trilogy, which followed by Catching Fire and Mockingjay.
here im going to tell you what this book is about.
once upon a time, North America was destroyed because of disasters and wars. in the former place, Panem country was appeared, with Capitol as the capital city and 13 district that spread around Capitol. then these 13 district declared resistance to the Capitol. and the result was, Capitol did destruction to the 13th district. as a punishment, Capitol held an annual game called The Hunger Games. every district must send their citizens, which the age ranges between 12 until 18 years old. they would be trapped in a wide area to kill each other. and the last person who survive at the end will be the winner.
the movie of The Hunger Games was released on March 2012.
ive watched the movie version before i read the book.
well, it was such a real regret. while i was reading the book, my mind was too busy to compare the movie scene with the book.
when i read the description of the characters' physical appearance, it has a big difference. Haymitch didnt look drunk, while the opposite was mentioned there.
but the movie version was not bad at all. especially the battle scene, which seemed more 'real' than from the book. 
even though people said that Collins copied a Japanese movie called Battle Royale, i still adore the author's imagination. how she described the technology and the environment in Capitol, it was amazing... the inhabitants of Capitol's fashion style, the room where the contestants stayed for attending the rehearsal, the food! #mindblown
over all, i do love this series to the fullest and looking forward to the next series, Catching Fire and Mockingjay.

Senin, 20 Agustus 2012


okay, seperti yang kalian semua tau kalo hari ini tanggal 20 Agustus. iya, bener kok 20. dan gue baru mau nge-post soal kemerdekaan Indonesia hari ini. emang telat banget ya gue tapi gakpapa lah ya, kalo kata quoter "better late than never"
sebenernya gue udah mau nge-post pas tanggal 17 agustus nya cuma gak tau kenapa ga ada ide. bener2 mampet. stuck. 
dan berhubung sekarang gue udah bisa nge-post, gakpapa dong ya postingannya baru hari ini hehehe.

mari kita flashback sebentar, 
Indonesia udah 67 tahun merdeka dari penjajah dan bukan merupakan suatu hal yang mudah untuk mencapai kemerdekaan ini. perlu adanya perjuangan, pengorbanan, bahkan pertumpahan darah. gue ga kebayang aja sih ya suasana Indonesia dulu pas dijajah itu kayak gimana. gue cuma denger peristiwanya itu dari guru sama buku pelajaran yang ga terlalu lengkap tapi udah berasa sesuatu...
amazing banget kalo ngebayangin gimana masyarakat dulu mau berjuang buat bangsa ini. sampe sekarang juga ga habis pikir sih gue, berani-beraninya masyarakat Indonesia perang sama penjajah yang punya stock senjata. sedangkan kita? pake bambu runcing. bayangin... betapa nekatnya. 
intinya sih gue sangat bersyukur atas adanya pejuang-pejuang dulu yang berani memberontak dan membuat suatu gebrakan untuk mencetuskan kemerdekaan.

wishes gue buat bangsa ini adalah, 
semoga masyarakat Indonesia ga cuma bisa menikmati kemerdekaan, tapi juga mau mengenang jasa para pahlawan bahkan mau membela negaranya. semoga masyarakat Indonesia juga lebih menghargai budaya dalam negeri yang kaya pake banget. bukan cuma ikutin trend dari budaya luar, tapi juga mau menghargai, mempelajari, bahkan melestarikan budaya sendiri. jangan cuma mengakui budaya kita pas udah diklaim sama negara lain...
terus apalagi ya, semoga adanya rasa menghargai sesama masyarakat meskipun beda suku, ras maupun agama. sesuai semboyan negara kita "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika". semoga pemimpin-pemimpin negara yang terpilih bener-bener bisa memimpin Indonesia supaya jadi lebih baik lagi, bukan malah menghancurkannya. dan semoga masyarakat Indonesia mau berdoa buat negaranya.. bukan mengeluh aja bisanya, bahkan mengutuk. tapi juga bisa mengucap berkat atas Indonesia lewat perkataan kita. God bless Indonesia!

Selasa, 14 Agustus 2012

film-film coming soon yang layak ditunggu.

berikut ini gue mau share film-film yang masih coming soon tapi udah ditungguin banyak orang.
first , ada breaking dawn part 2.
Buat kalian yang emang udah ngikutin the twilight saga series, pasti penasaran sama karangan terakhir dari tetralogi karangan Stephanie Meyer ini. Breaking Dawn part 1 udah tayang di Indonesia tahun lalu, yaitu pada November 2011 dan part 2 nya akan rilis di bioskop-bioskop Indonesia November ini. YEAY!
Gue sendiri penasaran banget and can hardly wait for this film.
Penasaran sama si Renesmee Cullen, anak dari Edward Cullen & Bella. Juga pengen liat si Bella yang jadi vampire kayak gimana ya? Sayangnya, Kristen Stewart (as Isabella Swan) emang terkenal kalo ekspresi mukanya parah datar banget. 
next , Diary of A Wimpy Kid : Dog Days
Diary of A Wimpy Kid ini diangkat dari novel yang berjudul sama, di Indonesia juga udah ada novel terjemahannya. Novel nya lucu banyak gambarnya, beneran kayak buku diary gitu deehh.
Kalo liat film Diary of A Wimpy Kid yang sebelum-sebelumnya sih emang bagus, seru, ceritanya ga bosenin ada lucunya juga. 
Cocok ditonton buat semua kalangan usia, bukan cuma buat anak-anak aja lohh.
berikutnya, ada Kick Ass 2
Kick Ass ini tentang kisah superhero, tapi bukan karena digigit laba-laba beradioaktif atau punya catatan pengungsi dari planet lain. Dibalik kostum superheronya, Dave cuma remaja biasa yang invisible di kalangan temen-temennya. Aksi nya banyak direkam orang sehingga lama-lama ia pun terkenal, tetapi justru mengundang bahaya. Main characters nya di film ini bukan cuma Dave seorang, tapi ada juga superhero lain yang ngebantuin Dave. 
Buat yang belom nonton yang pertama mungkin sebaiknya nonton dulu deh karena ini keren menurut gue. Kick Ass yang kedua ini rilisnya baru tahun depan, 2013 jadi belom ada trailernya.
Gimana, jadi tertarik kah buat nonton film-film di atas? 

Senin, 13 Agustus 2012

perfect in our own ways

while i was browsing through Youtube i just found this song, uhm actually i have known this song already but i just knew that this song is amazing and has meaningful lyrics.
some of you all may have known of it already.
the title of this song is "Fuckin' Perfect" but now P!nk, the singer has released the clear version which is called "Perfect".

The Lyrics
Made a wrong turnonce or twice.Dug my way out,blood and fire.Bad decisions,that's alright.Welcome to my silly life.Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood!Miss "No way,It's all good", it didn't slow me downMistaken, always second guessing, underestimated!Look, I'm still around...Pretty pretty please!Don't you ever ever feelLike you're less than, fucking perfectPretty pretty pleaseIf you ever ever feel like you're nothing you're fucking perfect to me.You're so mean (Your so mean)When you talk (When you talk) about yourself, you were wrongChange the voices (Change the voices) in your head (In your head)Make them like you insteadSo complicated, look how we all make it!Filled with so much hatred... such a tired gameIt's enough! I've done all I can think ofChased down all my demons, I've seen you do the same.Oh, pretty pretty pleaseDon't you ever ever feelLike you're less than, fucking perfectPretty pretty pleaseIf you ever ever feel like you're nothing you're fucking perfect to meThe whole world's scared so I swallow the fearThe only thing I should be drinking is an ice cold beerSo cool in line, and we try try try,But we try too hard and it's a waste of my timeDone looking for the critics 'cause they're everywhereThey don't like my jeans, they don't get my hairExchange ourselves, and we do it all the timeWhy do we do that? Why do I do that?Why do I do that?Yeah, oh, oh baby, pretty please!Pretty pretty please,Don't you ever ever feelLike you're less than, fucking perfectPretty pretty pleaseIf you ever ever feel like you're nothing, you're fucking perfect to me Yeaaahhh...!You're perfect, you're perfect!Pretty pretty please, if you ever ever feel like you're nothingYou're fucking perfect to me.
see? yes it does have meaningful lyrics! this song is just too awesome, isn't it?
in my point of view, this song was dedicated for teenagers out there. nowadays, some of teenagers always feel like they're not good enough. not pretty enough, not skinny enough, not clever enough.. and thousands of teenagers out there committed suicide just because of their unnecessary thoughts. it is a pity that they lost their life for something that unimportant.
and i once saw a quoter said, "society is never pleased." please just stop trying to please society. we are who we are and who cares? just live our life to the fullest and ignore those haters. I wish this post and this song would make y'all realized that we are precious and special. we might not be perfect but Jesus think we are to die for! 
be blessed! :)

Jumat, 03 Agustus 2012

Aubergine Garland

as youve seen the title of this post, maybe some of you wonder what Aubergine Garland is.
now lemme introduce you.
Aubergine Garland is an art project where you can buy and request greeting cards, custom illustration and artwork prints for your beloved ones! p.s : of course with affordable price ;)

getting interested? for further information just go to her page , click here :D